Thursday, 17 November 2011

Why 'Harper Bell' as the Name of Our School?

“The first appeal for Seventh-day Adventist schools of which there is record is found in a Review editorial, written by James White: ‘What can be done for our children? There is no use in concealing the fact that but a small portion of the children of Sabbathkeepers are forming characters for eternal life in the kingdom of God.’ ”—Lessons in Denominational History, p. 176; quoting Review, August 20, 1857.

Let me take you back to the 1800s, when a young man, by the name of Goodloe Harper Bell, was was chopping logs outside the Review and Herald building, in order to regain his health. Edson White, a late teenager at that time, decided to approach him and ask if he could educate both Edson and a few other youths. In a room of a rickety old building, Harper Bell’s ‘classes’ grew, and after Mrs. Ellen G. White urged the conference for the need of a denominational school, they adopted his school; and there lay the beginnings of our educational system.

A few years later, the school moved into a building in Battle Creek, notwithstanding the request by Mrs. White that the school be located on a forty acre property in the country. She wept when she heard that they chose the Battle Creek property, which had only twelve acres. In order to pay for the school, they had to sell a few of their acres, reducing it to only seven.

Eventually, the conference decided to employ Mr. Brownsburger to be the President of Battle Creek, for he had a degree. Harper Bell didn’t have a degree, and that was an issue for the church, for it just wouldn’t look good.

Despite the prejudices of the conference against this advocate of true education, he was an excellent teacher, whom the students loved, and his method of education was in direct line with Ellen White’s blueprint of education.

Ellen White worked with him in making sure that this blueprint would be the SDA’s educational system, and when it was followed, students excelled greatly, and many were converted among them. Unfortunately as time went on, our schools did not stick to the revealed will of God for the education of our young people, and we have suffered loss as a result.

Ellen White urged for blueprint schools which looked like this:

*Some scholastic studies

The education of the day was classical, the main emphasis being placed on a knowledge of the classics, mathematics, ancient languages, philosophy, and certain sciences. Her message called for an education that would include practical training and character training. Just how to accomplish this baffled many of the early educators of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”—Lessons in Denominational History, p. 181.

It is not well to crowd the mind with studies that require intense application, but that are not brought into use in practical life. Such education will be a loss to the student, for these studies lessen his desire and inclination for the studies that would fit him for usefulness and enable him to fulfill his responsibilities. A practical training is worth far more than any amount of mere theorizing. It is not enough even to have knowledge; we must have ability to use the knowledge aright. {CT 387.4}

“The popular method of filling the student’s mind with that which is not practical and hurrying him through a certain course, in order that he may obtain a diploma, is not true education. True education begins on the inside, at the core, with that which is practical. It builds up and strengthens a symmetry of character that by and by, in this life, will show itself in some grand, good, and noble work for the world. The school at South Lancaster seeks to attain to this ideal.”—G.H. Bell, Review December 26, 1882.

*Manual labour in the place of competitive sports

It is not well to crowd the mind with studies that require intense application, but that are not brought into use in practical life. Such education will be a loss to the student, for these studies lessen his desire and inclination for the studies that would fit him for usefulness and enable him to fulfill his responsibilities. A practical training is worth far more than any amount of mere theorizing. It is not enough even to have knowledge; we must have ability to use the knowledge aright. {CT 387.4}

Vigorous exercise the pupils must have. Few evils are more to be dreaded than indolence and aimlessness. Yet the tendency of most athletic sports is a subject of anxious thought to those who have at heart the well-being of the youth. Teachers are troubled as they consider the influence of these sports both on the student’s progress in school and on his success in afterlife. The games that occupy so much of his time are diverting the mind from study. They are not helping to prepare the youth for practical, earnest work in life. Their influence does not tend toward refinement, generosity, or real manliness. {AH 500.2}

Gymnasium exercises may in some instances be an advantage. They were brought in to supply the want of useful physical training, and have become popular with educational institutions; but they are not without drawbacks. Unless carefully regulated, they are productive of more harm than good. Some have suffered life-long physical injury through these gymnasium sports. The manual training connected with our schools, if rightly conducted, will largely take the place of the gymnasium. {CE 211.2}

Teachers should give far more attention to the physical, mental, and moral influences in our schools. Although the study of the sciences may carry the students to high literary attainments, it does not give a full, perfect education. When special attention is given to the thorough development of every physical and moral power which God has given, then students will not leave our colleges, calling themselves educated while they are ignorant of that knowledge which they must have for practical life, and for the fullest development of character.... {CE 212.1}

“The influence of manual labor upon the students’ department has been very wholesome and in no way has it impeded mental progress, but rather accelerated it.”—Brownsburger, Signs, May 17, 1883.

*Bible History

“The Course of Study will embrace English Language; Mathematics; Geography; Human Physiology and Hygiene; and Bible History; together with practical instruction in Tract and Missionary Work, and in the most useful of the Agricultural, Domestic and Mechanic Arts . . But of all studies, the Bible ranks highest . . A practical knowledge of the laws of health is all-important . . Pupils will be expected to take but few studies at a time, thereby mastering them the more rapidly.”—Review, March 7, 1882.

*Trade training

‘Goodloe Bell was solid for Spirit of Prophecy principles and a strong advocate of vocational training, which he also highly recommended. Not once did he ever deviate from them. Not only were the students to learn book knowledge, but also how to work at various skills and trades.’ {The Broken Blueprint}

*Situated in a country setting

Again and again I have described such places, but it seems that there has been no ear to hear. Recently, in a most clear and convincing manner, the advantage of establishing our institutions, especially our sanitariums and schools, outside the cities, was presented to me. {7t 81.2}

*Situated on land to cultivate

It would be a great aid in educational work could every school be so situated as to afford the pupils land for cultivation and access to the fields and woods. {CH 190.4}

When Mr.Mclairn became the president in place of Brownsburger, he didn’t embrace the blueprint and that caused a split in the school. Uriah Smith, who was then the Bible teacher, took sides with Mclearn, while the rest stood on the side of Harper Bell. The following words were directed to Uriah Smith, by Mrs. White:

“I am pained to find you, my much-esteemed brother, involved in this matter, on the wrong side, with those whom I know God is not leading.”—EGW to Uriah Smith, March 28, 1882; 5 Testimonies, p. 45.

“If our people had wholeheartedly set themselves at the time to carry out God’s simple plan of education, we might now be in a very different position than we are today. But our leaders, to a very great extent, urged the selling of land attached to the schools and doing away with a large amount of our physical work. This has been true at Walla Walla, Union College, and Washington Missionary College at Takoma Park. It has also been true in other places in a smaller degree. You have felt pained and saddened at all of this, and my personal belief is that you have honestly done your best to stem the tide. But as I see it, you have not been able to put your ideas across with our educators generally anymore than E.A. Sutherland and I in earlier days.”—Percy T. Magan, letter to Warren Howell, January 13, 1926.

At Harper Bell Educational Books/Harper Bell Academy, we seek to imitate the application of the blueprint that we see demonstrated in the work of Goodloe Harper Bell.

For a detailed description and history of the blueprint of Christian education, go to this link:

Parents: Win the Heart and You'll Win Obedience

Smile, parents; smile, teachers. If your heart is sad, let not your face reveal the fact. Let the sunshine from a loving, grateful heart light up the countenance. Unbend from your iron dignity, adapt yourselves to the children’s needs, and make them love you. You must win their affection, if you would impress religious truth upon their heart. {Fundamentals of Christian Education 68.3}

There is danger that both parents and teachers will COMMAND AND DICTATE TOO MUCH, while they FAIL to come sufficiently into SOCIAL RELATION with their children or scholars. They often hold themselves too much reserved, and exercise their authority in a cold, unsympathizing manner, which cannot win the hearts of their children and pupils. If they would GATHER THE CHILDREN CLOSE TO THEM and SHOW THAT THEY LOVE THEM, and would manifest an INTEREST IN ALL THEIR EFFORTS and EVEN IN THEIR SPORTS, sometimes even BEING A CHILD AMONG THEM, they would make the children very happy and would gain their love and win their confidence. And the children would more quickly LEARN TO RESPECT and LOVE THE AUTHORITY OF THEIR PARENTS and teachers. {Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 76.3}

Books By Infidel Authors

[In the photo: 'Macbeth', which is one of the books that was in the curriculum for English Literature when I was at school. Also a book that a Principal from one of OUR SCHOOLS that I used to teach in, told me that they would use in the school.]

The light shining upon those who have eyes to see, cannot be mingled with the darkness of heresy and error found in many of the textbooks recommended to the students in our colleges. Both teachers and pupils have thought that in order to obtain an education, it was necessary to study the productions of writers who teach infidelity, because their works contain some bright gems of thought...Can an impure fountain send forth sweet waters? Why should we wade through the mass of error contained in the works of pagans and infidels, for the sake of obtaining the benefit of a few intellectual truths, when all truth is at our command?...

Shall those who have known the oracles of God recommend our students to study the books that express pagan or infidel sentiments, that they may become intelligent? Satan has his agents, educated after his methods, inspired by his spirit, and adapted to his works; but shall we co-operate with them? Shall we as Christians, recommend the works of his agents as valuable, even essential to the attainment of an education?

{Fundamentals of Christian Education 167}

Let believers in the truth for this time, turn away from authors that teach infidelity. Let not the works of skeptics appear on your library shelves, where your children can have access to them. Let those who have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, no longer deem it an essential feature of a good education to have a knowledge of the writings of those who deny the existence of God, and pour contempt upon His holy word. Give no place to the agents of Satan, since there is nothing by which to vindicate their doings; a clean thing cannot come out of an unclean.

{The Review and Herald, November 10, 1891.}

Jesus Understands Single Parenting

In these first disciples was presented a marked diversity. They were to be the world’s teachers, and they represented widely varied types of character. There were

*Levi Matthew the publican, called from a life of business activity, and subservience to Rome;

*the zealot Simon, the uncompromising foe of the imperial authority;

*the impulsive, self-sufficient, warmhearted Peter, with Andrew his brother;

*Judas the Judean, polished, capable, and mean-spirited;

*Philip and Thomas, faithful and earnest, yet slow of heart to believe;

*James the less and Jude, of less prominence among the brethren, but men of force, positive both in their faults and in their virtues;

* Nathanael, a child in sincerity and trust; and the ambitious, loving-hearted sons of Zebedee. {Ed 85.3}

.....And Jesus, was able through total dependance upon His Father to lead these 'children' to God, and be His witnesses....even more.... these were the men who TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN!

Feeding Our Children with ADHD

'As scientific reports go, it seems nothing but a statement of the obvious. A study from Southampton University has found that food additives can have " deleterious effects" on children.

Just look at the food dyes tested. "Allura Red", "Sunset Yellow" and "Carmoisine" and the like are all derivatives from coal tar, all banned in sensible countries like Norway and Sweden, all completely unnecessary. They just should not be in food at all, ever.

It's not only that they appear to be toxic, triggering HYPERACTIVITY in children. They are used to dress up foods - sweets, soft drinks, sauces, "dessert toppings" - that it would be better for nobody ever to eat anyway. Any food that has to be dyed to make it seem appealing is likely to be rubbish in any case.

As for the preservative sodium benzoate, the mere fact that it can extend the shelf-life of soft drinks to two years without refrigeration might suggest that it's not a good thing for children to swallow in large quantities.

The damage dyes and preservatives can cause has been known about for years. Yet the Food Standards Agency has again decided there's no need for a ban, while the manufacturers' organisation, the Food and Drink Federation, smoothly says there is no safety issue and it is already reducing additives.

It's not as though we urgently need to trick our children into eating more sweets or swigging more soft drinks. They may be illnourished but they are not underfed. Childhood obesity in the UK is growing worse every year, as children eat ever more convenience food.

Our children consume 30 times as many fizzy drinks as a child would have done in the Fifties and eat 25 times as much confectionary. Many just scoff garbage all day. In the years to come, the health consequences are going to kill, and effectively maim, a significant proportion of our population.

There are many reasons why our children take in so much trash, from the predominance of branding and TV advertising of food products; to the way that children are increasingly allowed to determine their own diets; to the dismal belief of many parents that real cooking is too difficult and time-consuming.

Children are treated now as though they need their own special foods, heavily processed, bedecked with cartoon characters, stuffed with fats, sugars and salt, brightly coloured with dyes and full of preservatives, too. It's absolutely crazy.

It's actually easy and cheap to prepare wholesome fresh food. But it's no use pretending that it's easy to insist your children eat it and, if they protest, get nothing else. There's such huge peer pressure to withstand.

The very least the Government can do to help is ban these dyes and preservatives outright. What's the contrary argument? What good do they do? None whatsoever, save for the profits of the companies helping to ruin our children.'
{London Evening Standard-7th September, 2007}

Dan 1:15 And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat.
Dan 1:16 Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that
they should drink; and gave them PULSE.
Dan 1:17 As for these four children, God gave them KNOWLEDGE and SKILL in ALL LEARNING AND WISDOM: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

What was the 'PULSE' that Daniel and his friends ate?
'The Hebrew word, zeroin, here translated as "pulse", is built on the same root as the word "seed" in the record of creation, where it mentions "every herb seeding seed,"...In other words, the menu for which Daniel asked and which he received was made up of CEREALS, LEGUMES, FRUITS, NUTS, AND VEGETABLES....with the universal drink for man and beast, clear water.' {Daniel and the Revelation, p.24, 25}

The Powerful Influence of Reading

What shall our children read? This is a serious question and one that demands a serious answer. It troubles me to see in Sabbathkeeping families periodicals and newspapers containing continued stories which leave no impressions for good on the minds of children and youth. I have watched those whose taste for fiction was thus cultivated. They have had the privilege of listening to the truth, of becoming acquainted with the reasons of our faith; but they have grown to maturer years destitute of true piety and practical godliness. {AH 412.1}

The readers of fiction are indulging an evil that destroys spirituality, eclipsing the beauty of the sacred page. {AH 412.2}

The world is deluged with books that might better be consumed than circulated. Books on sensational topics, published and circulated as a money-making scheme, might better never be read by the youth. There is a satanic fascination in such books.... {AH 412.3}

The practice of story reading is one of the means employed by Satan to destroy souls. It produces a false, unhealthy excitement, fevers the imagination, unfits the mind for usefulness, and disqualifies it for any spiritual exercise. It weans the soul from prayer and from the love of spiritual things. {AH 412.4}

Works of romance, frivolous, exciting tales, are, in hardly less degree, a curse to the reader. The author may profess to teach a moral lesson; throughout his work he may interweave religious sentiments, but often these serve only to veil the folly and worthlessness beneath. {AH 413.1}

Infidel Authors—Another source of danger against which we should be constantly on guard is the reading of infidel authors. Such works are inspired by the enemy of truth, and no one can read them without imperiling the soul. It is true that some who are affected by them may finally recover; but all who tamper with their evil influence place themselves on Satan’s ground, and he makes the most of his advantage. As they invite his temptations, they have not wisdom to discern or strength to resist them. With a fascinating, bewitching power unbelief and infidelity fasten themselves upon the mind. {AH 413.2}

Myths and Fairy Tales—In the education of children and youth fairy tales, myths, and fictitious stories are now given a large place. Books of this character are used in schools, and they are to be found in many homes. How can Christian parents permit their children to use books so filled with falsehood? When the children ask the meaning of stories so contrary to the teaching of their parents, the answer is that the stories are not true; but this does not do away with the evil results of their use. The ideas presented in these books mislead the children. They impart false views of life and beget and foster a desire for the unreal.... {AH 413.3}

Never should books containing a perversion of truth be placed in the hands of children or youth. Let not our children, in the very process of obtaining an education, receive ideas that will prove to be seeds of sin. {AH 413.4}...

Exciting Reading Makes Restless, Dreamy Child—Readers of frivolous, exciting tales become unfitted for the duties of practical life. They live in an unreal world. I have watched children who have been allowed to make a practice of reading such stories. Whether at home or abroad, they were restless, dreamy, unable to converse except upon the most commonplace subjects. Religious thought and conversation was entirely foreign to their minds. With the cultivation of an appetite for sensational stories the mental taste is perverted, and the mind is not satisfied unless fed upon this unwholesome food. I can think of no more fitting name for those who indulge in such reading than mental inebriates. Intemperate habits of reading have an effect upon the brain similar to that which intemperate habits of eating and drinking have upon the body. {AH 414.3}

Losing it with Our Children (Conclusion)

If your children are disobedient, they should be corrected.... Before correcting them, go by yourself, and ask the Lord to soften and subdue the hearts of your children and to give you wisdom in dealing with them. Never in a single instance have I known this method to fail. You cannot make a child understand spiritual things when the heart is stirred with passion. {CG 244.2}

Instruct them patiently. Sometimes they will have to be punished, but never do it in such a way that they will feel that they have been punished in anger. By such a course you only work a greater evil. Many unhappy differences in the family circle might be avoided if parents would obey the counsel of the Lord in the training of their children. {CG 244}

Mothers, however provoking your children may be in their ignorance, do not give way to impatience. Teach them patiently and lovingly. Be firm with them. Do not let Satan control them. Discipline them only when you are under the discipline of God. Christ will be victor in the lives of your children if you will learn of Him who is meek and lowly, pure and undefiled. {CG 245}

You should correct your children in love. Do not let them have their own way until you get angry, and then punish them. Such correction only helps on the evil, instead of remedying it. {CG 245}

To manifest passion toward an erring child is to increase the evil. It arouses the worst passions of the child and leads him to feel that you do not care for him. He reasons with himself that you could not treat him so if you cared. {CG 245}

And think you that God takes no cognizance of the way in which these children are corrected? He knows, and He knows also what might be the blessed results if the work of correction were done in a way to win rather than to repel.... {CG 245}

Do not, I beg of you, correct your children in anger. That is the time of all times when you should act with humility and patience and prayer. Then is the time to kneel down with the children and ask the Lord for pardon. Seek to win them to Christ by the manifestation of kindness and love, and you will see that a higher power than that of earth is co-operating with your efforts. {CG 245}

When you are obliged to correct a child, do not raise the voice to a high key.... Do not lose your self-control. The parent who, when correcting a child, gives way to anger is more at fault than the child. {CG 246}

Those who desire to control others must first control themselves.... When a parent or teacher becomes impatient and is in danger of speaking unwisely, let him remain silent. There is wonderful power in silence. {CG 247}

Never raise your hand to give them a blow unless you can with a clear conscience bow before God and ask His blessing upon the correction you are about to give. {CG 252}

Losing it with Our Children (Part 1)

When we give way to impatience, we drive the Spirit of God out of the heart, and give place to the attributes of Satan. {2SM 236}

Think of it this way. If I get angry with my child, where are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control? They are not there. You cannot serve two masters, when you test yourself by the fruit of the Spirit. You could do much work and think you are really a good Christian, but if in your home you are irritated and unkind to your family, something is wrong. You may not know how to submit the heart to be controlled by God, or you may not want to. ~Margaret Davis.

We cannot be fretful and impatient, and still be Christians, for a fretful, impatient spirit is not the Spirit of Christ. {RH 8-14-1888}

Impatience brings the enemy of God and man into your family and drives out the angels of God. If you are abiding in Christ, and Christ in you, you cannot speak angry words. {HP 99}

You cannot indulge your own temper, and have your own way, and still remain the children of God. We shall have to struggle with our hereditary tendencies, that we may not yield to temptation, and become angry under provocation. {RH 10-11-1892}

The man who yields to impatience is serving Satan. 'To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey.' {4T 607}

Parents, can you not see that harsh words provoke resistance? What would you do if treated as inconsiderately as you treat your little ones? It is your duty to study from cause to effect. When you scolded your children, when with angry blows you struck those who were too small to defend themselves, did you ask yourself what effect such treatment would have upon you? Have you thought how sensitive you are in regard to words of censure or blame? how quickly you feel hurt if you think that someone fails to recognize your capabilities? You are but grown-up children. Then think how your children must feel when you speak harsh, cutting words to them, severely punishing them for faults that are not half so grievous in the sight of God as is your treatment of them. {CG 280.2}

Many parents professing to be Christians are not converted. Christ does not abide in their hearts by faith! Their harshness, their imprudence, their unsubdued tempers, disgust their children and make them averse to all their religious instruction. {CG 280.3}

THE SOLUTION: See Part 2.........

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

A Child's Excitement with The Bible

Hey Parents!
Yes, I know, it's been a minute since I last posted up here. Life changes have taken me many places, and now preparing for a new life as a married woman, a pastor's wife, and locating to the USA, has really swallowed up any time I have for this ministry.

Today in this short nugget, I just wanted to share with you the blessing God poured out upon my daughter and I while we were going through her Bible History class. I post this because I want to encourage us to put our children on a Bible reading plan that they will go through daily in their own personal time with Jesus, for the fruits of such devotional time will surely pay off in the after years.

Our Bible History lesson is just that: Biblical history. In other words, we study the history of different countries, but from a biblical standpoint. On Wednesdays we study the book of Daniel, and today, in chapter eleven, we made use of the teaching tool: 'The Time of the End' booklet. As I read to her regarding the tribes of Edom, Moab and Ammon, we came across this verse which she told me she had read before on this page, but didn't see the connection:

Luke17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Luke 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

We re-read it and the only connection that I saw with the three-fold symbolic tribes in Daniel eleven escaping the hand of the papacy (the three-fold division of modern Babylon in Revelation), and Lot escaping out of Sodom, was just that: an esacpe taking place prior to God's judgments. As I was saying this to Rachel, all of a sudden her eyes lit up in what I call 'light bulb moment mode'. Her wheels started turning as she explained how Lot's daughters had sons who were called Moab and Ammon, but these sons came as a result of the daughters committing fornication. She jumped up in her seat in excitement as she realised that the word 'fornication' is also used in Revelation regarding the sins of Babylon.

Oh and it didn't stop there, for she rushed to her Bible and eagerly tried to find in Jeremiah where she had read something in her Bible reading time that she has every evening. God had brought what she had read at that time to her remembrance when she needed it! She excitedly stood up in the middle of the room, as a child in a candy shop! Then she read the following verses how they link with the word 'fornication', in connection with Moab and Ammon, and Revelation 17:

Jer 51:7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD'S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
Jer 51:8 Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.
Jer 51:9 We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.

The expression of excitement and joy on a child's face when the Lord touches their hearts and minds through the can't put a price on it!

Indeed it pays to form early habits of Bible reading, for none of what they learn during those times are wasted. God will use His Word to mould and polish their characters, and furnish them with solid morals, as well as help them connect the dots in the prophetic Word, so that they will see the time they are in.

Sow the seed, and watch the Husbandman bring it to harvest!

Happy Homeschooling!