Monday 18 April 2011

Teaching Phonics

The method you will use to teach phonics is quite similar to the way you would with Mathematics, for the learning is step by step. Just imagine teaching your child to add before they could even count! Or teaching subtraction before addition! The concepts of counting needs to be established first, correct? It just doesn't make any sense to learn the four arithmetic processes without laying the foundation. Children need to learn in small, gradual steps and it is the same when we are teaching them how to read.

There is order in teaching phonics just as there is order in how to teach math. However, there will be times that you do need to be flexible and be willing to flip back or forward a couple of steps, if this will help your child to understand. There'll be those rewarding 'lightbulb moments'when everything has somehow aligned up in your child's mind, and days or even weeks later, you see that expression on her face which says, "Ohhh...that's the reason why....I get it now!" That, fellow parent, is an excellent opportunity to praise the student's understanding, and that may mean, investing in some reward time for her, so that next time you re-visit that phonics rule, she will be more likely to remember it. It wouldn't be wise to pass by that, and just press on with the schedule as normal.

Here is a list of some phonics basics that you can google, which will help you see the big picture. Alternatively, you can find these basics spoken about in detail in the 'Teacher's Helps' section that I am about to add in our 'Homeschool Help!' Starter Info' Pack. This can be emailed to you for just $25USD. To order this pack, email us

Foundations of Phonics:


*Alphabet sounds

*Short Vowels

*Long Vowels



In taking these rules on board, be sure to review the lessons frequently, and do not run ahead of your child's pace of learning. Also remember to look out for those 'lightbulb moments'. Above all, make it fun and not a chore!

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