Did mothers but realize the importance of their mission, they would be much in secret prayer,
presenting their children to Jesus, imploring His blessing upon them,
and pleading for wisdom to discharge aright their sacred duties. Let the
mother improve every opportunity to mold and fashion the disposition
and habits of her children. Let her watch carefully the development of
character, repressing traits that are too prominent, encouraging those
that are deficient. Let her make her own life a pure and noble example
to her precious charge. {The Adventist Home, 265.4}
Recently, the Lord laid upon my heart to select one day a week to pray and fast specifically for my children. If the veil could be withdrawn that separates the seen from the unseen, we would be horrified to see the unceasing and earnest efforts of the evil host in:
-tempting our children
-designing snares for their feet
-planting the seed of rebellion
-imbuing them with his spirit
-leading them to discouragement
-bringing to them sights and sounds to attract their minds and hearts to him, and the list goes on.
Yes parents, this is really what is going on in the hearts of our children moment by moment daily. So what better way to counteract the darts of the devil, than by the power of prayer and fasting?
We say that we want our young people to receive the crown of life, but are our actions, example, and parenting demonstrating that desire? Do we actually understand just what it takes to get them there?
I entreat you to start the path of, 'Intensive Care Parenting', if you haven't already. In ICU the patient is closely observed and checked in on at regular times. The physicians and nurses know that the life of the patient is in a very critical condition, and they are not to once slack on their post. Friends, this is what it means to do Intensive Care Parenting. Are not our children's souls in peril continually? Yes, just as much as ours are. Do they need regular observation, where we watch to see their steady development of character, and making sure that those weeds of the devil don't get planted there and take root? Sure they do! Remember, it was while men slept that the enemy, in the parable of the Wheat and the Tares, sowed the bad crop.
Now, don't misunderstand me, watching our children does not mean to constantly stand over them and letting them see you keeping a suspective eye over them. Our children need to know that we trust them. What I am talking about is checking in on them throughout the day in their play, at meal time, and for those of us who home school, in their lessons. When I say checking in, I mean showing an interest in what they are doing; encouraging efforts made, and suppressing evil inclinations. Watching our children, also means to be watching in prayer. I mean, being open to the Holy Spirit's voice regarding how to communicate with them in a way that will reach their hearts. It involves asking God for discernment to see what's really going on in beneath the surface. What better way to be in such in tune connection with God, than to select a day that you will use each week praying and fasting specifically for your children. There are several benefits of this:
1. Because your body won't be busy working to digest food, which draws energy from the brain, your mind will be clearer and more sensitive to the voice of God speaking to you about your children.
2. Fasting and prayer is an effectual 100% GUARANTEED weapon to discomfit and put to nought the efforts of the devil against our children
3. Letting your young people know that you are taking a specific day a week on their behalf, will forever engrave in their mind respect and love for your authority, for they will see that you are for them, and are working with them to overcome. It will also impress deeply upon their hearts the seriousness of their own soul, and the importance for them to keep it in Jesus, because if Mommy is weekly missing meals just for my soul, then that must be important, right?
4. It will be easier for you to exercise self control towards them because you have restrained your appetite, and if anybody denies the connection between appetite and temperament, well they need to try this, and see just how much calmer they become with their young people.
5.You are better equipped to administer the correct instruction and discipline to your child, and the chances of banging your head against the wall, using the same methods not getting any positive results will rapidly diminish.
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